Dart: convert map into query string

i wrote a recursive function to turn any Map<String, dynamic> to query String.

String getQueryString(Map params, {String prefix: '&', bool inRecursion: false}) {

    String query = '';

    params.forEach((key, value) {

        if (inRecursion) {
            key = '[$key]';

        if (value is String || value is int || value is double || value is bool) {
            query += '$prefix$key=$value';
        } else if (value is List || value is Map) {
            if (value is List) value = value.asMap();
            value.forEach((k, v) {
                query += getQueryString({k: v}, prefix: '$prefix$key', inRecursion: true);

   return query;


Map<String, dynamic> params = {'aa': 1.1, 'bb': [2, [3, ['5', {'66': 777}]]]};
String query = getQueryString(params);

this code will print:


Have you looked at the Uri class in dart:core. You can construct a Uri class from Url components :

new Uri({String scheme, String userInfo: "", String host: "", port: 0, String path, 
  Iterable<String> pathSegments, String query, 
  Map<String, String> queryParameters, fragment: ""}) #

Notice you pass the query string as a map, if you are using a HTTP client that doesn't take this class you can .toString it to get the Url.

I use this in my code rather than string Url's

As an example using your data above :

void main() {

      String eml = "[email protected]";
      String passwd = "password";

      Map json = {
                  "email":  eml,
                  "password": passwd

      Uri outgoingUri = new Uri(scheme: 'http',
          host: 'localhost',
          port: 8080,
          path: 'myapp',



This prints :


Note that once constructed a Uri is immutable, i.e. you can't change the query parameters again. There is also this package in pub which may give more facilities although I've not used it yet.


String queryString = Uri(queryParameters: {'x': '1', 'y': '2'}).query;

print(queryString); // x=1&y=2

final yourMap = {'x': '1', 'y': '2'};
final queryString = yourMap.toMap().entries.map((e) => '${e.key}=${e.value}').join('&');
print(queryString); // x=1&y=2