Dark mode launch screen in iOS 13

I found a solution that supports earlier iOS versions as well as custom colors for each mode, dark and light, in iOS 13.

  1. Create an image asset, set Appearances to Any, Light, Dark, and load small solid pngs with your desired colors. In this case I am using orange for light, and black for dark.

image asset

  1. Go to your LanuchScreen.storyboard and add an image view with that image asset. Place the image behind your image logo, set Content Mode as Aspect Fill, and constrain the view to the Superview in all sides. (Make sure that your logo looks good with the two backgrounds, or set its Appearance too)

  2. This is where I had to do a trick. For some reason, I couldn't make the back image to show up. After checking some of the comments in Launch Screen storyboard not displaying image, I added the first image in the image asset to the target bundle

The color is static in older versions of iOS, and it works well with dark and light modes in iOS 13.

When setting up the Launch Screen storyboard, set the view "Background" color to "System Background Color". This will be white in light mode and black in dark mode. No need to use your own color asset.