Custom tooltip contents @ ngx-charts | Angular2+ | TypeScript

The above solution does not work for multi-dimensional charts ( > 3) like Stacked Horizontal/Vertical Bar.

Another simple way which works for all cases is to add the tooltipText as an attribute as part of the model like below:

export let multi = [
    name: 'Germany',
    series: [
        name: '2010',
        value: 7300000,
        tooltipText: 't1'
        name: '2011',
        value: 8940000,
        tooltipText: 't2'

Then use the following code in markup,

  <ng-template #tooltipTemplate let-model="model">
    <div class="tooltip">

You can define your own tooltip templates and render any HTML you like in them:

    [results]="multi" ...>
  <ng-template #tooltipTemplate let-model="model">
    This is the single point tooltip template

  <ng-template #seriesTooltipTemplate let-model="model">
    This is vertical line tooltip template


Code is here: