Custom Number Base Converter

MATL, 2 bytes


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For the Za lord!

R, 124 bytes


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Ugh, this was a doozy. I use the typical base conversion tricks for R, but string manipulations in R are still messy!

APL (Dyalog Unicode), 22 bytes

Anonymous infix lambda. Takes InputFormat as left argument and OutputFormat as right argument, and prompts for Number from stdin. Assumes ⎕IO (Index Origin) to be 0, which is default on many systems.


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{} "dfn"; is left argument, is right argument
(mnemonic: left and right ends of the Greek alphabet)

⍵[] index the output format with the following:

   prompt for input

  ⍺⍳ɩndices of those characters in the input format

  ()⊥ evaluate as being in the following base:

   ≢⍺ the length of the input format

   yield that (separates ¯1 from (≢⍺))

  ()⊥⍣¯1 convert to the following base:

  ≢⍺ the length of the output format