Custom input and output on same name in Angular2 2 way binding

For this compact syntax to work the input and output need to follow specific naming rules

  @Output('mobileChange') emitter: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter<string>();
  @Input('mobile') set setMobileValue(value) {
    this.msisdn_confirm = this.msisdn = value;

Renaming inputs and outputs by passing a string parameter to the decorator is discourages. Rather use

  @Output() mobileChange: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter<string>();
  @Input() set mobile(value) {
    this.msisdn_confirm = this.msisdn = value;

Another example of Gunter's code above that may help:

export class TaskBook {
  public taskBookID: number;
  public title: String; 

Inside component code:

    <input type="text"  pInputText [(ngModel)]="data!.title" (change)="onDataChange()" />

  selector: 'taskbook_edit',
  templateUrl: './taskbook_edit.component.html' 
    export class TaskbookEditComponent { 

      @Input() data: TaskBook;
      @Output() dataChange = new EventEmitter<TaskBook>();

      constructor() { } 

      onDataChange() { 

Outside in calling component:

<taskbook_edit  [(data)]="taskbookObj" ></taskbook_edit>

 public taskbookObj: TaskBook;