Custom Exception Messages: Best practices

I won't detract from the advise regarding Krzysztof's blog, but here is a dead-easy way to create custom exceptions.


   require_once "CustomException.php";
   class SqlProxyException extends CustomException {}

   throw new SqlProxyException($errorMsg, mysql_errno());     

The code behind that (which I borrowed somewhere, apologies to whomever that was)


interface IException
    /* Protected methods inherited from Exception class */
    public function getMessage();                 // Exception message
    public function getCode();                    // User-defined Exception code
    public function getFile();                    // Source filename
    public function getLine();                    // Source line
    public function getTrace();                   // An array of the backtrace()
    public function getTraceAsString();           // Formated string of trace

    /* Overrideable methods inherited from Exception class */
    public function __toString();                 // formated string for display
    public function __construct($message = null, $code = 0);

abstract class CustomException extends Exception implements IException
    protected $message = 'Unknown exception';     // Exception message
    private   $string;                            // Unknown
    protected $code    = 0;                       // User-defined exception code
    protected $file;                              // Source filename of exception
    protected $line;                              // Source line of exception
    private   $trace;                             // Unknown

    public function __construct($message = null, $code = 0)
        if (!$message) {
            throw new $this('Unknown '. get_class($this));
        parent::__construct($message, $code);

    public function __toString()
        return get_class($this) . " '{$this->message}' in {$this->file}({$this->line})\n"
                                . "{$this->getTraceAsString()}";

I strongly recommend the advice on Krzysztof's blog and would note that in your case you seem to be trying to deal with what he calls Usage Errors.

In this case what is required is not a new type to indicate it but a better error message about what caused it. As such a helper function to either:

  1. generate the textual string to place into the exception
  2. generate the whole exception and message

Is what is required.

Approach 1 is clearer, but may lead to a little more verbose usage, 2 is the opposite, trading a terser syntax for less clarity.

Note that the functions must be extremely safe (they should never, ever cause an unrelated exception themselves) and not force the provision of data that is optional in certain reasonable uses.

By using either of these approaches you make it easier to internationalise the error message later if required.

A stack trace at a minimum gives you the function, and possibly the line number, thus you should focus on supplying information that is not easy to work out from that.


