cURL for Windows: how can I send multiple line command in a console?

Sometime I have to use windows, try something like this :

curl -XPOST http://localhost:9200/_search -d^
    \"query\": {^
        \"query_string\": {^
            \"query\": \"year:2003\"^

^ to extend a command to next line and
\" to escape " on the json

I didn't find any way so far to send command spanning multiple using curl on windows. However, I was able to find a way to get the task done. Below is how I would rewrite the command you are trying to achieve

curl -XGET localhost:9200/library/book/_search?pretty=true -d "{ \"query\" : { \"query_string\" : { \"query\" : \"title:crime\" }  } }"

Just make sure the /library/book/ is right index name.

Hoping to hear back if you are able to make it

Install Git for windows. Use git bash to run the curl commands.


