jquery has class code example

Example 1: jquery hasclass

if ($( "#foo" ).hasClass('className')) {
	$( "#foo" ).removeClass( 'className');
} else {
  $( "#foo" ).addClass( 'className');

Example 2: javascript check if element has class

// I have the 'hidden' class

Example 3: detect if an element has a class jQurey


Example 4: jquery hasclass

$( "#mydiv" ).hasClass( "foo" )

Example 5: jquery check if element has class starting with

/* Answer to: "jquery check if element has class starting with" */

if(!$(this).is('[class*="answerbox"]')) {
    //Finds element with no answerbox class
} else {
    //The element has already an answerbox class

Example 6: jquery hasclass



Css Example