CSS Grid Layout in Chrome seems not to work properly with more than 1000 rows

I've made a pen that implements a possible workaround to this issue: 10K Rows CSS Grid Table

In short - the solution is to only render the visible rows based on the scroll position. The non-visible rows should be replaced with a single "gap-filling" row that receives their total height. This technique is known as virtualization or windowing.

To make it "optimistic", that gap-filling row should also receive a gradient background that simulates the horizontal row lines to make it look as if the lines are there (since this row will be briefly visible as the user scrolls and we don't want it to be blank).

In terms of performance, a table of 100 rows will perform exactly the same as a table with 10K rows when applying this solution.

For example:

<div class="table">
  <div class="gap-before" 
       style="height: {{total height of rows before the visible rows}}">
  <!-- visible rows go here -->
  <div class="gap-after" 
       style="height: {{total height of rows after the visible rows}}">

Ok, the 1000 rows (and also 1000 columns) limit has been intentionally introduced into the Chrome engine for reasons of stability and RAM consumption. A new version of the Grid functionality seems to be in progress and should solve the problem.


  • https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=688640
  • https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1009

UPD: from Chrome version 96.0.4642 items amount extended to 100,000 rows/columns