CSS diagonal div background

With just css and a bit tweaking based on your divs size you could create something like this:

.myclass {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background: linear-gradient(45deg, black 0%, black 26%, transparent 26%), linear-gradient(-45deg, black 0%, black 27%, transparent 27%)

.myclass2 {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background: linear-gradient(-45deg, blue 0%, blue 27%, transparent 27%), linear-gradient(45deg, blue 0%, blue 26%, red 26%)
With transparency:
<div class="myclass">My content here</div>
Not as easy with transparent:
<div class="myclass2">My content here</div>

Edit: Just tested this in chrome, you might need special linear-gradients for older/other browsers.

The most simple way to achieve this would probably be to use a background image, though the effect may prove to be inconsistent on smaller devices. For this reason, you may want to consider using a hard-stop gradient.

.grad {
  background: lightblue; /* For browsers that don't support gradients */
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(170deg, white 0%, white, 15%, lightblue 15%, lightblue 100%);
  background: -o-linear-gradient(170deg, white 0%, white, 15%, lightblue 15%, lightblue 100%);
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(170deg, white 0%, white, 15%, lightblue 15%, lightblue 100%);
  background: linear-gradient(170deg, white 0%, white, 15%, lightblue 15%, lightblue 100%);
  width: 100%;
  padding: 20px;
<div class="grad">
  <h1>Hard-stop gradient</h1>
  <p>Using this type of gradient, you can create an angled background without using a background image.</p>

Using this, you can create a gradient from 0% to 15% that is white on both ends, followed by a gradient from 15% to 100% that's fully black. This completely removes the fading effect, giving you your angled background. It's probably the most efficient way as well since it only requires one line of CSS.



