CSRF protection with Session Id

Quoted from OWASP's CSRF Prevention page:

Double Submit Cookies

Double submitting cookies is defined as sending the session ID cookie in two different ways for every form request. First as a traditional header value, and again as a hidden form value. When a user visits a site, the site should generate a (cryptographically strong) pseudorandom value and set it as a cookie on the user's machine. This is typically referred to as the session ID. The site should require every form submission to include this pseudorandom value as a hidden form value and also as a cookie value. When a POST request is sent to the site, the request should only be considered valid if the form value and the cookie value are the same. When an attacker submits a form on behalf of a user, he can only modify the values of the form. An attacker cannot read any data sent from the server or modify cookie values, per the same-origin policy. This means that while an attacker can send any value he wants with the form, the attacker will be unable to modify or read the value stored in the cookie. Since the cookie value and the form value must be the same, the attacker will be unable to successfully submit a form unless he is able to guess the session ID value.

While this approach is effective in mitigating the risk of cross-site request forgery, including authenticated session identifiers in HTTP parameters may increase the overall risk of session hijacking. Architects and developers must ensure that no network appliances or custom application code or modules explicitly log or otherwise disclose HTTP POST parameters. An attacker that is able to obtain access to repositories or channels that leak HTTP POST parameters will be able to replay the tokens and perform session hijacking attacks. Note, however, that transparently logging all HTTP POST parameters is a rare occurrence across network systems and web applications as doing so will expose significant sensitive data aside from session identifiers including passwords, credit card numbers, and or social security numbers. Inclusion of the session identifier within HTML can also be leveraged by cross-site scripting attacks to bypass HTTPOnly protections. Most modern browsers prevent client-side script from accessing HTTPOnly cookies. However, this protection is lost if HTTPOnly session identifiers are placed within HTML as client-side script can easily traverse and extract the identifier from the DOM. Developers are still encouraged to implement the synchronizer token pattern as described in this article.

No real reason not to just use the built-in CSRF prevention mechanism, almost all serious frameworks have this now.

No because you should never allow scripts to be able to access your cookies. Refer to HTTPOnly on the OWASP website.

To prevent people from being able to steal session id's, should XSS be present, you should always set this cookie flag. Your mechanism would not work anymore as it would not be able to access the cookie.

You could, but it seems a bit unwieldy to me. Any CSRF-prevention mechanism works like this:

  • Make the server only accept requests that satisfy some conditions
  • Ensure that the conditions are something that can't be forged
  • Write your HTML so that the requests it generates follow the conditions set by the server.

The tried-and-tested method is to use <input type=hidden> in the HTML fields that contains some anti-CSRF token. Your method works as well1, but using JS to intercept and inject POST requests sounds icky and unnecessary when the whole client-side logic can be contained in the HTML.

1 As TildalWave noted, puting sensitive data in non-httponly cookies and making the accessible to client side JS could be a problem if you have XSS vulnerabilities. Stick with the tried and tested method then.