Cross compiling - Error: selected processor does not support `fmrx r3,fpexc' in ARM mode - Beaglebone

Most of the Linaro toolchains are configured for ARMv7 hard-float by default (certainly the Linux ones, I'm less sure about the bare-metal ones). Looking at the configuration of the arm-none-eabi toolchain as packaged by Arch, I surmise it's just using the GCC defaults for things like that, which implies something like ARMv4t, and crucially, soft-float ABI.

Whilst the -mfpu option controls code generation in terms of which floating-point instructions may be used, apparently it's the float ABI which controls whether it'll let you do things which really only make sense on a hardware FPU, rather than under floating-point emulation.

When it's not configured by default, you need to explicitly select a floating-point ABI implying an actual hardware FPU, i.e. -mfloat-abi=hard (or -mfloat-abi=softfp, but there's really no reason to use that unless you need to link against other soft-float code).