Creating struct like data structure in Java

I would create a public class with public fields and a default constructor, like this:

    public class Employee {
       public String name, last_name;

   // constructor
   public Employee() { = "";
      this.last_name= "";


  //when using it
  Employee e = new Employee(); ="Joe";
  e.last_name = "Doe";

A struct in C just like a class in Java and much more powerful, because class in Java can contain method, and C++ does. You create a new class. For example :

   class Employee {
       private String name;
       private int code;

   // constructor
   public Employee(String name, int code) { = name;
      this.code = code;

       // getter
       public String getName() { return name; }
       public int getCode() { return code; }
       // setter

       public void setName(String name) { = name; }
       public void setCode(int code) { this.code = code; }

And when you want to create multi employees, create array just like in C:

Employee[] arr = new Employee[100];  // new stands for create an array object
arr[0] = new Employee("Peter", 100); // new stands for create an employee object
arr[1] = new Employee("Mary", 90);

In Java 16 there are Records (JDK Enhancement Proposal 395):

public record Employee(String firstName, String lastName, String id) {

This comes with a canonical constructor, field accessors, hashCode(), equals() and toString() implementations.