Creating an iOS Simulator Build of CocoaPods project

Having the same issue, I had both errors fixed @bean his error by adding 'i386' to the "valid architectures" in build settings. (for my app target, pod target and every pod separately)

My full build command is:

xcodebuild -workspace [projectName].xcworkspace -scheme [schemeName] -arch i386 -sdk=iphonesimulator7.1

I can complete the build but I get tons warnings:

warning: no rule to process file '[any .m file]' of type sourcecode.c.objc for architecture i386

I have no idea how to fix this, an .app file is created just not on the location the facebook tutorial says it should be (its in "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/.." instead of "{projectDir}/build/...")

Now 2 questions remain for me:

1.) How can I test or this .app file works (double-clicking it tells me the file is damaged.)

2.) (Why) Can I not just build the app from within Xcode using the simulator and just submit the .app file that Xcode created?

Here is the another easy method to create .zip file

  • Step 1: open finder and press command⌘ + shift⇧ + g
  • Step 2: paste "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData"
  • Step 3: select your_app_name-jkfksdfhskdhfksdh some thing like this folder
  • Step 4: your_app_name-jkfksdfhskdhfksdh >>Build>>Products>>Debug-iphonesimulator

  • Step 5: You will see 2 files one is like rounder and 1 cross line ) and 2nd file is

  • Step 6: To create .zip file right click on and select "Compress your_app_name". It will generate .zip file and submit it to facebook.

I'm in the same boat and have been struggling with this!

I managed to get my build working by adding the following to the command line args:

-workspace [Name.xcworkspace] -Scheme [NameOfScheme]

I also had to edit the scheme and add the Pods target explicitly as it was failing the build with Library not found for -lPods.

xcodebuild -arch i386 -sdk iphonesimulator{version} -workspace [projectName].xcworkspace -scheme [projectName]

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