Creating a Signature Line

Unfortunately I have used a table and I hope that I have helped you, also.

enter image description here



Approved: & \hrulefill \\
& Fats Domino, Ph.D. \\
& Chair of the Department of Nutrition\\


A bit artificial, but doesn't need even knowledge about tables:



Approved: \hrulefill

\hspace*{0mm}\phantom{Approved: }Fats Domino, Ph.D.

\hspace*{0mm}\phantom{Approved: }Chair of the Department of Nutrition


enter image description here

Six different approaches in no particular order here.

In each case is used a different way of obtain the underline rule and also the left indentation and hanging of the signature.

Note that I avoid intentionally the \hrulefill command since the rule is placed in the baseline, but it look better a bit below (to allow handwriting aligned vertically with "Approved:"), so four of the six outputs are like this one:


Maybe also look better also a pointed/dashed line than a solid line, like \dotfill, but unfortunately (in this case) puts the points too high and scattered, so one approach use a custom \dotsignature rule:


... and other a \dashsignature rule:


Compilable code:

\def\dotsign{\xleaders\hbox to .2em{\d{}}\hfill\d{}}
\def\dashsign{\xleaders\hbox to .5em{\_}\hfill\_}
\def\dummytext{\bigskip\dotfill and this text is the very 
inconclusive end of the very long report.\par~\par}



\makebox[.5\linewidth][r]{Approved: }\dotsign\smallskip\\
\hspace*{.5\linewidth}Fats  Domino, Ph.D.\\
\hspace*{.5\linewidth}Chair of the Department of Nutrition


\tab\hfil Approved:\vspace{2pt}\tab\dashsign\\
\tab\tab\tab Fats Domino, Ph.D.
\tab\tab\tab Chair of the Department of Nutrition


Approved: \parbox[t]{.5\linewidth}{\rule[-3pt]{\linewidth}{.4pt}\par\smallskip  
Fats Domino, Ph.D.\par
Chair of the Department of Nutrition}


Approved: \uline{\hfill}\\[3pt]
Fats Domino, Ph.D.\\
Chair of the Department of Nutrition\par}


Approved:~ & \\[-3pt]\cmidrule{2-2} 
& Fats Domino, Ph.D.\\
& Chair of the Department of Nutrition\\


\hspace{.38\linewidth}Approved: \vbox to 0pt{\uline{\hspace{.5\linewidth}}\\[3pt]
Fats Domino, Ph.D.\\
Chair of the Department of Nutrition}%
\vspace{3\baselineskip}% only  you type something below


Disclaimer of responsibility: I am too lazy to set lengths with the LaTeX syntax (i.e., I have used \parindent0pt instead of \setlenght{\parinden}{0pt} and so). I shall not be liable if this burn your brain, your computer explode or something catastrophic happens if you adopt my bad habits.

