Creating a macro that can selectively format capital letters

The tokcycle package ( can be used for this.

  \Characterdirective{\ifcat A##1\ifnum`##1<`Z\addcytoks{%
\famword{aKiLulat or even aK\textit{iLulat}!}

enter image description here

As I commented, to get italic small caps, you need a font that supports it, such as \usepackage{newtxtext}:

enter image description here

If one prefers an invocation that is more environment-based, rather than macro-based, there is this:

  {\ifcat A##1\ifnum`##1<`Z\addcytoks{%
    \addcytoks{##1}\fi\else\addcytoks{##1}\fi}% <-CHARACTERS
  {\processtoks{##1}}% <-GROUPS
  {\addcytoks{##1}}% <-MACROS
  {\addcytoks{##1}}% <-SPACES
\famword aKiLulat or even aK\textit{iLulat}!\endfamword

When using modern fonts in conjunction with LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX, one is (sometimes) able to delegate this this to the font, since OpenType Layout defines a font feature c2sc that translates capital letters to small cap letters. Unfortunately, Latin Modern does not contain this feature. When available, one can activate this via fontspec feature Letters=UppercaseSmallCaps. Example:

\setmainfont{Stix Two Text} % Font with c2sc feature and italic SC


\itshape \famword{aKiLulat}

enter image description here

Here's a LuaLaTeX-based solution. It consists of (a) a main Lua function called uc2sc (short for "uppercase to smallcaps", I suppose) and an auxiliary Lua function called makesc which, together, do most of the work and (b) a LaTeX macro called \famword that acts as a wrapper for the uc2sc function. The Lua functions employ Lua's versatile built-in string.gsub and string.lower functions.

enter image description here

% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
\usepackage{luacode} % for "luacode" environment
function makesc ( x )
   return ( "\\textsc{" .. x:lower() .. "}" )
function uc2sc ( s )
   return ( s:gsub ( "%u", makesc ) )
%% LaTeX wrapper macro:

\setmainfont{Stix Two Text} % a font with italic-smallcap letters


\itshape \famword{aKiLulat}