Creating a email message in Java without a mail session

The MimeMessage class will accept a null session. If you create such a message, Transport.send may not be able to send your MimeMessage To workaround that you just have to manage your own session and transport objects then use the non-static Transport.sendMessage method.

public void forward(Session session, Message m) throws MessagingException {
    Address[] all = m.getAllRecipients();
    if (all == null) { //Don't pass null to sendMessage.
        all = new InternetAddress[0];

    Transport t;
    try {
        // Session properties 'mail.transport.protocol.rfc822'
        // and 'mail.transport.protocol' can be used to change
        // between SMTP or SMTPS.

        if (all.length != 0) {
            t = session.getTransport(all[0]);
        } else {
            t = session.getTransport();
    } catch (NoSuchProviderException punt) {
        try {
            t = session.getTransport("smtp"); //Just a guess.
        } catch (NoSuchProviderException fail) {
            if (fail.setNextException(punt)) {
                throw fail;
            } else {
                throw punt;

    m.saveChanges(); //Computes additional headers.

    t.connect("host", 25, "user", "pass"); //Or use one of the many other connect method overloads.
    try {
        t.sendMessage(m, all);
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (MessagingException warning) {

Using Apache Commons Email, any of the following code could be added to the sendMail method depending on where you want things set.

    HtmlEmail email = new HtmlEmail();
    email.setBounceAddress("[email protected]");

    email.setFrom("[email protected]");

    email.setSubject("Your Subject");
    email.setAuthentication("[email protected]", "password");

public static void sendMail(org.apache.commons.mail.HtmlEmail email)

If you are using the Spring framework / spring boot, you can inject a Spring JavaMailSenderImpl into your class, and do (obviously you would need the SMTP server properties injected into the mail sender too) :

MimeMessage mimeMessage = javaMailSender.createMimeMessage();

You need to add the following dependency to your app for this to work:
