Creating a Distance Matrix?

if you don't want to use scipy you can exploit list comprehension in this way:

dist = lambda p1, p2: sqrt(((p1-p2)**2).sum())
dm = np.asarray([[dist(p1, p2) for p2 in xy_list] for p1 in xy_list])

I think you are intrested in distance_matrix.

For example:

Create data:

import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
data = [[5, 7], [7, 3], [8, 1]]
ctys = ['Boston', 'Phoenix', 'New York']
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['xcord', 'ycord'], index=ctys)


          xcord ycord
Boston      5   7
Phoenix     7   3
New York    8   1

Using the distance matrix function:

 pd.DataFrame(distance_matrix(df.values, df.values), index=df.index, columns=df.index)


          Boston    Phoenix     New York
Boston    0.000000  4.472136    6.708204
Phoenix   4.472136  0.000000    2.236068
New York  6.708204  2.236068    0.000000

I will give a method in pure python.

Import a sqrt function from math module:

from math import sqrt

Let assume that you have your coordinates in cords table in the following way:

cords['Boston'] = (5, 2)

Define a function to compute Euclidean distance of two given 2d points:

def dist(a, b):
    d = [a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1]]
    return sqrt(d[0] * d[0] + d[1] * d[1])

Initialize the resulting matrix as a dictionary:

D = {}

for city1, cords1 in cords.items():
    D[city1] = {}
    for city2, cords2 in cords.items():
        D[city1][city2] = dist(cords1, cords2)

D is your resulting matrix

The full source is below along with printed result:

from math import sqrt

cords = {}
cords['Boston'] = (5, 2)
cords['Phoenix'] = (7, 3)
cords['New York'] = (8, 1)

def dist(a, b):
    d = [a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1]]
    return sqrt(d[0] * d[0] + d[1] * d[1]) 

D = {}

for city1, cords1 in cords.items():
    D[city1] = {}
    for city2, cords2 in cords.items():
        D[city1][city2] = dist(cords1, cords2)   

for city1, v in D.items():
    for city2, d in v.items():
        print city1, city2, d


Boston Boston 0.0
Boston New York 3.16227766017
Boston Phoenix 2.2360679775
New York Boston 3.16227766017
New York New York 0.0
New York Phoenix 2.2360679775
Phoenix Boston 2.2360679775
Phoenix New York 2.2360679775
Phoenix Phoenix 0.0