Create your own Gym Exercise and follow along irl

SpecBAS - 387 bytes

1 DIM m$=" @"#13"/|\"#13"/ \","\@/"#13" |"#13"/ \","|@_"#13" |"#13"/ \","_@|"#13" |"#13"/ \","@/"#13" |"#13"/|\"," \@"#13" |"#13"/|\","|@|"#13" |"#13"/ \","\@\"#13" |"#13"/ \","/@/"#13" |"#13"/ \"
2 INPUT a$: o=0
3 IF LEN a$<2 OR LEN a$>100 THEN 10
4 FOR i=1 TO LEN a$
5 n=VAL(a$(i))
6 IF n=0 OR n=o THEN 10
7 CLS : ?m$(n): o=n: WAIT 750
8 NEXT i
9 GO TO 4
10 CLS : ?" @"#13"-O-"#13"/ \"#13"FAT"

Keeps looping until you press ESC. Failure to exercise properly (incorrect input - in this example a 0 as one of the steps) leads to fatness. The GIF loops, in the program it just stops at that point.

#13 is the SpecBAS equivalent to \n and lets you include line feed in strings.

enter image description here

JavaScript (ES6), 165 bytes

f=s=>{n=s[0];e.textContent=' @ \\@/|@__@|@/  \\@|@|\\@\\/@/'.substr(n*3-3,3)+(n>1?`
`)+(n<5|n>6?'/ \\':'/|\\');s=s.slice(1)+n;s[0]-n&&setTimeout(f,750,s)}
<pre id=e>