Create STANDALONE Android Studio (1.5) library project

This may not feel comfortable for a person from other platform/IDE/world, but this is The Way. Personally i'm getting annoyed with Xcode every time i use it in the exact same way you're annoyed with AndroidStudio now. But lets get down to business:

  1. Create an empty project and select "Create no activity". enter image description here
  2. When everything is set, go to "File\New\New Module" and select "Android Library" enter image description here
  3. Give a name for created library and click "Finish".
  4. (Optional) go to "Run\Edit Configurations" and set everything like below: enter image description here

  5. Now open the librarie's 'build.gradle' file. Make sure to open the file from exact same folder which is named with your library name, because there are a couple of 'build.gradle' files all over the place. Remove support-library entry from the file: enter image description here

  6. Write some code and when you're ready to deploy the library set everything like this: enter image description here

Go to "Build" menu at the top and select "Build APK".

And about unit tests: enter image description here

**Edit 1: **

If you really want to remove the 'app' folder, than follow instructions on a picture below: enter image description here