Create permanent DOSKEY in Windows cmd

Create a macro definition file, for instance in notepad; name it at will and save it anywhere (for instance, in next example I used filename macros.doskey in d:\bat\ folder).
Alternatively, doskey /macros>d:\bat\macros.doskey command will list all current macro definitions into d:\bat\macros.doskey file.
A sample macro definition file could be as follows (note that ==> is my command prompt specified by prompt $Q$Q$G$S command):

==> type d:\bat\macros.doskey
ls=dir /B $1 
ip=ipconfig $*

Then, next commands should do the job:

==> reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v Autorun /d "doskey /macrofile=\"d:\bat\macros.doskey\"" /f
The operation completed successfully.

==> reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v Autorun

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
    Autorun    REG_SZ    doskey /macrofile="d:\bat\macros.doskey"

For explanation, read cmd /?:

If /D was NOT specified on the command line, then when CMD.EXE starts, it looks for the following REG_SZ/REG_EXPAND_SZ registry variables, and if either or both are present, they are executed first.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun

Disclaimer: some AutoRun settings could eventuate in unlooked-for unwanted behaviour, e.g. as decribed in Hidden gotcha: The command processor’s AutoRun setting

Read Save and restore macro definitions; you could prepare a valid macros.cmd script file in one step:

==> >macros.cmd (@for /F "delims=" %G in ('doskey /macros') do @echo DOSKEY %G)

==> type macros.cmd
DOSKEY ip=ipconfig $*
DOSKEY ls=dir /B $1


Please keep in mind that you cannot run a Doskey macro from a batch file.

  1. Create a file to store your macros (DOSKEYs).

    ls=dir $* $T
    up=cd.. $T
    ex=exit $T
  2. Go to the registry editor.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\
  3. Right-click and add a new "String Value" sub-key. Name it Autorun.
    Right-click -> New -> String Value

  4. Right-click it and Modify the Value data.
    Right-click -> Modify -> Value data -> DOSKEY /MACROFILE="C:\bat\macros.doskey"
  5. Good to go.

† Note that the file does not have to be saved as a .doskey file.
† Also note that the token $T is required if you're making multiple DOSKEYs.

I do it this way without registry updates. Pin "Command Prompt" to the task bar, then right click the icon on the task bar; from the popup select "Properties". In the "Target:" field enter the following:

%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /F:on /k doskey /macrofile=C:\cmds\macros.txt && Title CONSOLE

Then create the C:\cmds\ folder, open a command prompt and set up your desired "doskey" macros:

doskey ip=ipconfig
doskey ls=dir /w

Last, create the macro file:

doskey /macros > C:\cmds\macros.txt

This will change the "Command Prompt" icon in the task bar to invoke doskey using the macrofile on startup. You can use the "Command Prompt" in the START menu if you don't need the macros.