Create new column with data that has same column

This is approach(worst) I can only think of :

r = df.groupby('building')['name'].agg(dict)
df['in_building_with'] = df.apply(lambda  x: [r[x['building']][i] for i in (r[x['building']].keys()-[])], axis=1)


name    building    in_building_with
0   a   blue    [c, e]
1   b   white   []
2   c   blue    [a, e]
3   d   red     [f]
4   e   blue    [a, c]
5   f   red     [d]


  1. Make a dictionary which will give your indices where the building occurs.

blue     {0: 'a', 2: 'c', 4: 'e'}
red              {3: 'd', 5: 'f'}
white                    {1: 'b'}
dtype: object

  1. subtract the index of the current building from the list since you are looking at the element other than it to get the indices of appearance.


  1. Get the values at those indices and make them into a list.

If order is not important, you could do:

# create groups
groups = df.groupby('building').transform(dict.fromkeys).squeeze()

# remove value from each group
df['in_building_with'] = [list(group.keys() - (e,)) for e, group in zip(df['name'], groups)]



  name building in_building_with
0    a     blue           [e, c]
1    b    white               []
2    c     blue           [e, a]
3    d      red              [f]
4    e     blue           [a, c]
5    f      red              [d]

May be a little late but this is more concise way and without iterating over objects(for-loops).

With thanks to @Pygirl answer and as an improvement to it:

r = df.groupby('building')['name'].agg(set)
df['in_building_with']= df.apply( lambda x: list(r[x['building']] - {x['name']}) , axis=1)



    name building in_building_with
0    a     blue           [e, c]
1    b    white               []
2    c     blue           [e, a]
3    d      red              [f]
4    e     blue           [a, c]
5    f      red              [d]