Create config variables in sails.js?

You can create your own config file in config/ folder. For example config/myconf.js with your config variables:

module.exports.myconf = {
    name: 'projectName',
    author: 'authorName',

    anyobject: {
      bar: "foo"

and then access these variables from any view via global sails variable.

In a view:

<!-- views/foo/bar.ejs -->
<%= %>
<%= %>

In a service

// api/services/FooService.js
module.exports = {

   * Some function that does stuff.
   * @param  {[type]}   options [description]
   * @param  {Function} cb      [description]
  lookupDumbledore: function(options, cb) {

    // `sails` object is available here:
    var conf = sails.config;
    cb(null, conf.whatever);

// `sails` is not available out here
// (it doesn't exist yet)
console.log(sails);  // ==> undefined

In a model:

// api/models/Foo.js
module.exports = {
  attributes: {
    // ...

  someModelMethod: function (options, cb) {

    // `sails` object is available here:
    var conf = sails.config;
    cb(null, conf.whatever);

// `sails is not available out here
// (doesn't exist yet)

In a controller:

Note: This works the same way in policies.

// api/controllers/FooController.js
module.exports = {
  index: function (req, res) {

    // `sails` is available in here

    return res.json({

// `sails is not available out here
// (doesn't exist yet)