Wordpress - Create an Info/Help message at top of a custom post type

The hook you are after is admin_notices. This is fired at the top of every admin page.

If you wish to restrict the notice to certain pages you can use: get_current_screen() to get the current screen.

 $screen = get_current_screen();

You can wrap the notices in div elements with class 'error' or 'updated' to get the red, or yellow styled notices.

For instance:

function wpse51463_admin_notice(){
      $screen = get_current_screen();

    //If not on the screen with ID 'edit-post' abort.
    if( $screen->id !='edit-post' )


      <div class="updated">
        A notice on the post list screen

      <div class="error">
        An error message



For a plug-ins settings page (nested under the Settings tab) the screen id should be settings_page_{page-name}. You can of course determine the id of a page by using the above to print the current screen id of every page.

If you want something like this:

enter image description here

Then here's something that does the job:

function print_mynote(){
    global $typenow,$pagenow;
    if  (in_array( $pagenow, array( 'post.php', 'post-new.php' ))  && "Post_Type_Name" == $typenow ) {
        <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
                var myDiv = jQuery('<div>');
                myDiv.css("border","1px dashed #000000");
                myDiv.html("PUT your info help message here....");

Just make sure you change Post_Type_Name to the name of your post type, and change PUT your info help message here.... to your actual message.