Create a list of plots of sin(xt), where x goes from 0 to 10 and t goes from 1 to 6

Here is one way:

table = ConstantArray["", {12, 8}];
table[[3 ;;, 3 ;;]] = Table[N@Sin[x t], {x, 10}, {t, 6}];
table[[1, 3 ;;]] = Range[6];
table[[1, 2]] = "t-values";
table[[2, 1]] = "x-values";
table[[3 ;;, 1]] = Range[10];
 Alignment -> Left,
 Frame -> True,
 Dividers -> All

Mathematica graphics

(* create your values *)
rows = Range[10];
cols = Range[6];
vals = Outer[Sin@*Times, rows, cols];
(* make a table *)
tf = TableForm[N@vals, TableHeadings -> {rows, cols}];
(* label it *)
Labeled[tf, {"x-vals", "t-vals"}, {Left, Top}, RotateLabel -> True]

You may want to use NumberForm for a nicer display of the values. E.g.,

vals = Map[NumberForm[#, {4, 3}] &, vals, {2}]
tf = TableForm[N@vals, TableHeadings -> {rows, cols},
   TableAlignments -> Right];

enter image description here

The title of your question refers to "plots of sin(x t)." You could also add the literal plots as Tooltips to the table headings. Using Alan's answer as a starting point.

(*create your values*)
rows = Range[10];
cols = Range[6];
vals = Outer[Sin@*Times, rows, cols];
(*make a table*)
tf = TableForm[N@vals,
   TableHeadings -> {
         Plot[Sin[#*t], {t, 0, cols[[-1]]}],
         DiscretePlot[Sin[#*t], {t, 1, cols[[-1]], 1},
          PlotStyle -> Red],
         AxesLabel ->
          (Style[#, 12, Bold] & /@ {"t", "Sin[x t]"}),
         PlotLabel -> StringForm["x = ``", #]]] & /@ rows,
         Plot[Sin[x*#], {x, 0, rows[[-1]]}],
         DiscretePlot[Sin[x*#], {x, 1, rows[[-1]], 1},
          PlotStyle -> Red],
         AxesLabel ->
          (Style[#, 12, Bold] & /@ {"x", "Sin[x t]"}),
         PlotLabel -> StringForm["t = ``", #]]] & /@ cols}];
(*label it*)
Labeled[tf, {"x-vals", "t-vals"}, {Left, Top},
 RotateLabel -> True]