Create a filter query for Microsoft Graph that works equivalent to "contains"

This appears to be the only alternative that will get you the list you want without filtering all users yourself$search=Esteban&$top=100000

As per this blog post the microsoft-graph api only supports $filter with
equals (eq)
not equals (ne)
greater than (gt)
greater than or equals (ge)
less than (lt), less than or equals (le)
and (and)
or (or)
not (not)

and $search is only supported for "messages” and “person” entities.

You can use the $search query parameter, but you must include the parameter ConsistencyLevel=eventual for it to work. Also, $top can have a maximum value of 999.$top=999&ConsistencyLevel=eventual&$search="displayName:Esteban"

As you know, Graph API doesn't support your requirement now. My suggestion is to get the user list first and then do in-memory filter. This way also applicable to other no-supported Graph API.

Meanwhile, make sure to vote up the existing feature request in User Voice or submit a new one.