Create a "config" or "options" page for a Greasemonkey script

There are a few libraries which provide config pages for userscripts:

1) GM_config

Example GM_config dialog

2) MonkeyConfig

Example MonkeyConfig dialog

3) GM_registerMenuCommand Submenu JS Module

The usage varies per library, but typically you grant the permissions they need such as GM_getValue and GM_setValue, and require the library via the @require directive, e.g.:

// ==UserScript==
// @name          My Userscript
// @description   An example userscript with a config page
// @version       0.0.1
// @require
// @grant         GM_getValue
// @grant         GM_setValue
// @grant         GM_addStyle
// @grant         GM_registerMenuCommand
// ==/UserScript==

const config = new MyConfig({ ... })

You then register a menu command which opens the config page/dialog, e.g.:

GM_registerMenuCommand('Configure My Userscript!', () => {

In the case of MonkeyConfig, it can register the command for you:

const config = new MonkeyConfig({
    title: 'Configure My Userscript!',
    menuCommand: true,
    // ...

For advanced uses, the configurator may allow listeners to be registered for the close/cancel/save events, as well as providing control over the CSS, and other options. Detailed instructions can be found on the GM_config wiki and the MonkeyConfig homepage.

This is much needed but for now combination of 2 approaches should work.

1) For personal use I just have a bunch of variables at the top of the script. The problem here is that if anyone else uses my script an update ends up erasing his preferences.

2) Have a configuration page on your website. While this works wonderfully websites get deleted all the time. There is no good reason for a script to depend on a website to work.

If you do both those things the user can edit the preferences in the script when the scripts website vanishes.

Here is an example where undesired functionality is // commented out.

Good luck and enjoy

Use a parameter to the page you're already including, and if that's set then clear the whole document:

if(getUrlParameter("configPage") === "true") {

If you are using it for chrome, then it isn't Greasemonkey but Tampermonkey.

You may consider using GM_getResourceText, paste your html to (or similar) and add the link as one of @resource to the metadata block. At least, I know it works to Greasemonkey.

For example:

// @resource configHtml

// ... some DOM node that you will append to the current page
node.innerHTML = GM_getResourceText("configHtml");

