Counting lines of code?

The easiest way is to use the tool called cloc. Use it this way:

cloc .

That's it. :-)

You should probably use SLOCCount or cloc for this, they're designed specifically for counting lines of source code in a project, regardless of directory structure etc.; either

sloccount .


cloc .

will produce a report on all the source code starting from the current directory.

If you want to use find and wc, GNU wc has a nice --files0-from option:

find . -name '*.[ch]' -print0 | wc --files0-from=- -l

(Thanks to SnakeDoc for the cloc suggestion!)

As the wc command can take multiple arguments, you can just pass all the filenames to wc using the + argument of the -exec action of GNU find:

find . -type f -name '*.[ch]' -exec wc -l {} +

Alternately, in bash, using the shell option globstar to traverse the directories recursively:

shopt -s globstar
wc -l **/*.[ch]

Other shells traverse recursively by default (e.g. zsh) or have similar option like globstar, well, at least most ones.