Count the number of occurrences of a substring in a string

With perl:

printf '%s' "$SUB_STRING" |
  perl -l -0777 -ne '
    BEGIN{$sub = <STDIN>}
    @matches = m/\Q$sub\E/g;
    print scalar @matches' <(printf '%s' "$STRING")

With bash alone, you could always do something like:

echo "$(((${#STRING} - ${#s}) / ${#SUB_STRING}))"

That is $s contains $STRING with all occurrences of $SUB_STRING within it removed. We find out the number of $SUB_STRINGs that were removed by computing the difference in number of characters in between $STRING and $s and dividing by the length of $SUB_STRING itself.

POSIXly, you could do something like:

s=$STRING count=0
  [ "$t" = "$s" ]
  count=$((count + 1))
echo "$count"

Using string processing functions we could do it with Perl as follows :

 printf '%s\n' "$STRING" |
 perl -nse '
      $_ .= join "", <>;
      $k++ while ++($p = index($_, $s, $p));
      print $k, "\n" ;
 '    --     -s="$SUB_STRING" 


° load up the whole string in $_

°  index function will return the position of a substring in a string OTW returns -1

° progressively match the substring and use the position found as the starting position for the next search. 

°  all this while increment the counter $k depicting substring found. 

Some other methods are listed below:

Slurp the string and use regex.

printf '%s\n' "$STRING" |
perl -slp -0777e '
        $_ = () = /$s/g;
 ' -- -s="$s" 

° Slurp string into the $_ variable.

° pass the substring from the command line to perl using the -s option.

° now perform a match on $_ and in a list context gets you the matches which are then take in scalar context to get the number of matches.

° the -p option shall autoprints what's in $_.

Method using the sed tool :

 esc_s=$(printf '%s\n' "$SUB_STRING" |\
 sed -e 's:[][\/.^$*]:\\&:g' -e 'H;1h;$!d;g;s/\n/\\n/g')

 printf '%s\n' "$STRING" |
 sed -ne '
 ' | wc -l

° As a preparatory step, we go ahead and escape all characters acting as meta characters to the left hand side of s/// statement in the substring which if not done will cause the sed to crash.

° Now we slurp the whole of string into the pattern space.

° then we keep printing an empty line, the hold space is a good candidate, and take away the substring from the pattern space.

° rinse... lather... repeat so long as substring is present.

° the empty lines are then piped to the wc tool which will get us the count of lines = number of times substring was found.

This is shell version:

 e=$STRING  N=0
     e=$(expr " $e" : " \(.*\)$SUB_STRING")
     case $e in "" ) break ;; esac
           N=$(expr "$N" + 1)
  echo "$N"

You can use Python like in this question

python -c 'print "abcdabcva".count("ab")'

Or if you are working with shell variables:

python -c 'print("""'"$STRING"'""".count("""'"$SUB_STRING"'"""))'

In your case:

python -c 'print """0: asus-wlan: Wireless LAN
                   Soft blocked: no
                   Hard blocked: no
          1: asus-bluetooth: Bluetooth
                   Soft blocked: no
                   Hard blocked: no
          2: phy0: Wireless LAN
                   Soft blocked: no
                   Hard blocked: no
          113: hci0: Bluetooth
                   Soft blocked: no
                   Hard blocked: no""".count("""Bluetooth
                   Soft blocked: no
                   Hard blocked: no""")'