Count number of possible paths up ladder

Interestingly, there is a simple solution to this problem. You can use recursion:

public static int countPossibilities(int n) {
    if (n == 1 || n == 2) return n;
    return countPossibilities(n - 1) + countPossibilities(n - 2);

Whenever you're faced with this type of "tricky" problem, bear in mind that the solution is often times quite elegant, and always check to see if something can be done with recursion.

EDIT: I was assuming that you would deal with relatively small n values in this problem, but if you deal with large ones then the method above will probably take a good amount of time to finish. One solution would be to use a Map that would map n to countPossibilities(n) - this way, there would be no time wasted doing a computation that you've already done. Something like this:

private static Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
static {
    map.put(1, 1);
    map.put(2, 2);

public static int countPossibilities(int n) {
    if (map.containsKey(n))
        return map.get(n);

    int a, b;

    if (map.containsKey(n - 1))
        a = map.get(n - 1);
    else {
        a = countPossibilities(n - 1);
        map.put(n - 1, a);

    if (map.containsKey(n - 2))
        b = map.get(n - 2);
    else {
        b = countPossibilities(n - 2);
        map.put(n - 2, b);

    return a + b;

Try this with n = 1000. The second method is literally orders of magnitude faster than the first one.

This is in fact closely related to the Fibonacci sequence, as was mentioned only briefly in one of the comments so far: Each step n can be reached from either two steps below (n-2) or one step below (n-1), thus the number of possibilities to reach that step is the sum of the possibilities to reach those other two steps. Finally, there is exactly one possibility to reach the first step (and the zeroth, i.e. staying on the ground).

Also, as the number of possibilities for step n depends only on the results for step n-1 and n-2, it is not necessary to store all those intermediate values in a map or in an array -- the last two are enough!

public static long possForStep(int n) {
    // current and last value, initially for n = 0 and n = 1
    long cur = 1, last = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        // for each step, add the last two values and update cur and last
        long tmp = cur;
        cur = cur + last;
        last = tmp;
    return cur;

This not only reduces the amount of code by a good share, but also gives a complexity of O(n) in time and O(1) in space, as opposed to O(n) in time and space when storing all the intermediate values.

However, since even the long type will quickly overflow as n approaches 100 anyway, space complexity of O(n) is not really a problem, so you can just as well go with this solution, which is much easier to read.

public static long possForStep(int n) {
    long[] values = new long[n+1];
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
        // 1 for n==0 and n==1, else values[i-1] + values[i-2];
        values[i] = (i <= 1) ?  1 : values[i-1] + values[i-2];
    return values[n];

Update: Note that this is close to, but not quite the same as the Fibonacci sequence, which starts 0, 1, 1, 2, 3,... while this one goes 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ..., i.e. possForStep(n) == fibonacci(n+1).