Count lines of code in directory using Python

Here's a function I wrote to count all lines of code in a python package and print an informative output. It will count all lines in all .py

import os

def countlines(start, lines=0, header=True, begin_start=None):
    if header:
        print('{:>10} |{:>10} | {:<20}'.format('ADDED', 'TOTAL', 'FILE'))
        print('{:->11}|{:->11}|{:->20}'.format('', '', ''))

    for thing in os.listdir(start):
        thing = os.path.join(start, thing)
        if os.path.isfile(thing):
            if thing.endswith('.py'):
                with open(thing, 'r') as f:
                    newlines = f.readlines()
                    newlines = len(newlines)
                    lines += newlines

                    if begin_start is not None:
                        reldir_of_thing = '.' + thing.replace(begin_start, '')
                        reldir_of_thing = '.' + thing.replace(start, '')

                    print('{:>10} |{:>10} | {:<20}'.format(
                            newlines, lines, reldir_of_thing))

    for thing in os.listdir(start):
        thing = os.path.join(start, thing)
        if os.path.isdir(thing):
            lines = countlines(thing, lines, header=False, begin_start=start)

    return lines

To use it, just pass the directory you'd like to start in. For example, to count the lines of code in some package foo:


Which would output something like:

     ADDED |     TOTAL | FILE               
        5  |        5  | .\       
       539 |       578 | .\          
       558 |      1136 | .\baz\         

pygount will display all the files in the folder, each with a count of codes lines (excluding documentation)

pip install pygount

To list the results for the current directory run:

pygount ~/path_to_directory