“could not inspect application package” Xcode

I faced this issue with Google Sign-in SDK. below is the fix.

  1. BuildPhases -> Embedded Frameworks ->Enable "Copy only when installing"

enter image description here I am just posting this as this may help someone.

It sounds like the third party files might include compiled code which is not signed by you. If so, you can use iReSign to resign them using your own certificate. You can also use the command line:

codesign -f -s "iPhone Developer: Aaron Brager (XXXXXXXXXX)" nameOfAppToSign.app

Replace the example identity with your own (you can man codesign to read more about this command).

You can circumvent this by not including the compiled code. It may not be necessary - are you including an example app which isn't necessary for the framework to function?

If this answer doesn't help, providing the name of the framework and showing which files you included would be helpful.

When I replaced the 'Resources' folder on the xcode, by mistake the below option was selected.

Create folder references for any added folders

But the correct option should be,

Create groups for any added folders

Taking care of the above option is important point in saving time ad fixing the above issue. (It is one of the possibilities for getting this error).


