Could not determine the installation package

This usually happens when you have more than one user in an Android device (I still cannot figure out why is this).

As mentioned in the comment by using the adb uninstall command it will uninstall the app.

But there's another way which does not require command line or nothing related to that.

If you go to the Settings -> Apps and Notifications on the Android device you will be able to uninstall it from there.

Let's use the UnoQuickStart.Droid app as example here. As you can see it's already in the same state as it was yours.

enter image description here

Once in the App details both Uninstall and Force Stop are disabled. But do you see those 3 dots image at the right upper corner? Click on it.

enter image description here

This will bring you a context menu with a single option "Uninstall for all users". You can click on it with confidence.

enter image description here

As expected, a warning message telling you what's gonna happen. Just click "Ok".

enter image description here

As you can see the App is not longer installed and you will now be able to install it again.

enter image description here

Hope this helps.-

As per apineda's instructions, using adb unistall fixed the problem. I was able to get to the ADB location by navigating through Visual Studio -> Tools -> Android -> Android ADB Command Prompt.

Before I did that, I looked at the App list for my phone, which listed the app, but apparently not installed for this user. The Uninstall and Force Stop buttons were disabled and several of the fields just said loading... or something like that.