Could not calculate build plan: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.6 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved

Try the following steps:

  1. Make sure you have connectivity (you can browse) (This kind of error is usually due to connectivity with Internet)

  2. Download Maven and unzip it

  3. Create a JAVA_HOME System Variable

  4. Create an M2_HOME System Variable

  5. Add %JAVA_HOME%\bin;%M2_HOME%\bin; to your PATH variable

  6. Open a command window cmd. Check: mvn -v

  7. If you have a proxy, you will need to configure it

  1. Make sure you have .m2/repository (erase all the folders and files below)

  2. If you are going to use Eclipse, You will need to create the settings.xml

Maven plugin in Eclipse - Settings.xml file is missing

You can see more detail in

Delete all files under the .m2 repository folder and rebuild the project.