Correctly format \vdots in small matrix

I propose a \svdots macro for “scaling” vertical dots. I've never really liked the standard definition, to be honest.


\DeclareRobustCommand{\svdots}{% s for `scaling'


  \sigma_1 & 0        & 0\\ 
  0        & \sigma_2 & \svdots\\
  0        & \dots    &
  \sigma_1 & 0        & 0\\ 
  0        & \sigma_2 & 0\\
  0        & \dots    &


  \sigma_1 & 0        & 0\\ 
  0        & \sigma_2 & \svdots\\
  0        & \dots    &


enter image description here

If you want the vertical dots centered with respect to the formula axis, you can do


\DeclareRobustCommand{\svdots}{% s for `scaling'


  \sigma_1 & 0        & 0\\ 
  0        & \sigma_2 & \svdots\\
  0        & \dots    &
  \sigma_1 & 0        & 0\\ 
  0        & \sigma_2 & 0\\
  0        & \dots    &


  \sigma_1 & 0        & 0\\ 
  0        & \sigma_2 & \svdots\\
  0        & \dots    &


enter image description here

I would do that with stackengine , which has a \Vectorstack command for math mode:




$S=\begin{pmatrix}\sigma_1 & 0 & 0\\
                0 &\sigma_2 & \Vectorstack{\vdots}\\
                0 &\dots &


enter image description here

For a \vdots centred w.r.t. the middle of the 0 in the row, you can try this:

$S=\begin{pmatrix}\sigma_1 & 0 & 0\\[0.5ex]
                0 &\sigma_2 & \raisebox{-0.12\height}[0pt][0pt]{$\vdots$}\\[0.5ex]
                0 &\dots &

enter image description here

Using the package nicematrix adjusting the values of \NiceMatrixOptions to -5pt (minimum value),


\sigma_{1} & 0 & 0\\
0 & \sigma_{2} & \vdots \\
0 & \ldots &


you can obtain similar output.

enter image description here