Correct way to disable model validation in ASP.Net Core 2 MVC

 services.Configure<ApiBehaviorOptions>(options =>
            options.SuppressModelStateInvalidFilter = true;

should disable automatic model state validation.

Use this extension method:

public static IServiceCollection DisableDefaultModelValidation(this IServiceCollection services)
  ServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor = services.FirstOrDefault<ServiceDescriptor>((Func<ServiceDescriptor, bool>) (s => s.ServiceType == typeof (IObjectModelValidator)));
  if (serviceDescriptor != null)
    services.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(typeof (IObjectModelValidator), (Func<IServiceProvider, object>) (_ => (object) new EmptyModelValidator()), ServiceLifetime.Singleton));
  return services;

public class EmptyModelValidator : IObjectModelValidator
  public void Validate(ActionContext actionContext, ValidationStateDictionary validationState, string prefix, object model)


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

As of aspnet core 3.1, this is how you disable model validation as seen in docs:

First create this NullValidator class:

public class NullObjectModelValidator : IObjectModelValidator
    public void Validate(ActionContext actionContext,
        ValidationStateDictionary validationState, string prefix, object model)


Then use it in place of the real model validator:

services.AddSingleton<IObjectModelValidator, NullObjectModelValidator>();

Note that this only disable Model validation, you'll still get model binding errors.

You should consider to use the ValidateNeverAttribute, which is nearly undocumented and well hidden by Microsoft.

public class Entity 

This gives you fine grained control over which entities to validate and which not.