copy from pst-node, there are many errors, is there another package that has the same function





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Using a psmatrix will save you the hassle to have to calculate the position of each node. I added a simplified redefinition of \psBox, using the eqmakebox command, which replaces the length argument of the box with a tag: all \makebox[tag] have for width the natural width of the widest contents. Last, I think that in this sort of diagram, a sans-serif font is better.

\newcommand\psBox[2][white]{\psset{framearc=0.2, linejoin =1, shadow, fillstyle=solid, shadowcolor=black!55}\psframebox[fillcolor=#1]{\xstrut\eqmakebox[F]{\tabular{c}#2\endtabular}}}


\def\pscolhookiii{\hskip -2cm}
[name=B] \psBox[blue!30]{politische\\Kommunikation} \psspan{5} \\
[name=R1] \psBox[red!30]{interpersonale\\Kommunikation} \psspan{2}
 & \hskip 2cm \rnode{R2}{\psBox[red!30]{massenmediale\\Kommunikation}} \psspan{3}\\
 [name=G1] \psBox[green!30]{starke\\Beziehung}
 & [name=G2] \psBox[green!30]{schwache\\Beziehung}
 & [name=G3] \psBox[green!30]{Fernsehen} \psspan{2}
 & [name=G4] \psBox[green!30]{Zeitungen} \psspan{2} \\
 & & [name=C1] \psBox[cyan!30]{öffentlich-rechtl.\\Fernsehen}
    & [name=C2] \psBox[cyan!30]{privates\\Fernsehen}
    & [name=C3] \psBox[cyan!30]{Boulevard-\\Zeitungen}
    & [name=C4] \psBox[cyan!30]{Abonnement-\\Zeitungen}
\psset{shadow=false, angleA=-90, angleB=90, armA=6mm, linewidth=2pt, linejoin=1}
\foreach \S/\T in {B/R1,B/R2,R1/G1,R1/G2,R2/G3,R2/G4,G3/C1,G3/C2,G4/C3,G4/C4}{\ncangles{\S}{\T}}


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