Copy directory structure intact to AWS S3 bucket

Solution 1:

I believe sync is the method you want. Try this instead:

aws s3 sync ./logdata s3://bucketname/

Solution 2:

I had faced this error while using either of these commands.

$ aws s3 cp --recursive /local/dir s3://s3bucket/
$ aws s3 sync /local/dir s3://s3bucket/

I even thought of mounting the S3 bucket locally and then run rsync, even that failed (or got hung for few hours) as I have thousands of file.

Finally, s3cmd worked like a charm.

s3cmd sync /local/dir/ --delete-removed s3://s3bucket/ --exclude="some_file" --exclude="*directory*"  --progress --no-preserve

This not only does the job well and shows quite a verbose output on the console, but also uploads big files in parts.

Solution 3:

The following worked for me:

aws s3 cp ~/this_directory s3://bucketname/this_directory --recursive

AWS will then "make" this_directory and copy all of the local contents into it.

Solution 4:

(Improving the solution of Shishir)

  • Save the following script in a file (I named the file
path=$1 # the path of the directory where the files and directories that need to be copied are located
s3Dir=$2 # the s3 bucket path

for entry in "$path"/*; do
    name=`echo $entry | sed 's/.*\///'`  # getting the name of the file or directory
    if [[ -d  $entry ]]; then  # if it is a directory
        aws s3 cp  --recursive "$name" "$s3Dir/$name/"
    else  # if it is a file
        aws s3 cp "$name" "$s3Dir/"
  • Run it as follows:
    For example if is stored in the home directory and I want to copy all the files and directories located in the current directory, then I run this:
    ~/ . s3://XXX/myBucket

You can easily modify the script to allow for other arguments of s3 cp such as --include, --exclude, ...

Solution 5:

Use the following script for copying folder structure:


for entry in "$asset_directory"*
    echo "Processing - $entry"
    if [[ -d  $entry ]]; then
        echo "directory"
        aws s3 cp  --recursive "./$entry" "$s3Folder/$entry/"
        echo "file"
        aws s3 cp "./$entry" "$s3Folder/"