Cookies in Firefox

Note that in Firefox 3.5, cookies.sqlite is locked exclusively by Firefox, so you have to make a copy of it before reading.

Also, cookies.sqlite may not be flushed to disk until Firefox exits, so you can't assume that the file on disk contains the cookies you need if Firefox is still running.

For Windows

Your cookies are stored in:

  • In Firefox 2.x: plain text file (cookies.txt) in a unix-format text file (eg LF instead of CRLF for newlines).
  • In Firefox 3.0 and up: a binary file representing SQLite database on which you can make queries (cookies.sqlite).

The file is located under your profile folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxx.default 

where xxxx is some random-appearing alphanumeric string.

You might want to install the Firefox plugin View Cookies to better manage them.

alt text

For Linux

Your cookies are stored at:


where xxxx is some random-appearing alphanumeric string.