Converting pandas data frame with degree minute second (DMS) coordinates to decimal degrees

Basing my answer on a function from SO you can do it like this:

Interestingly this answer is also 2x as fast as MaxU and Amis answer for a dataset with +500 rows. My bet is that the bottleneck is str.extract(). But something is clearly strange.

import pandas as pd
import re

def dms2dd(s):
    # example: s = """0°51'56.29"S"""
    degrees, minutes, seconds, direction = re.split('[°\'"]+', s)
    dd = float(degrees) + float(minutes)/60 + float(seconds)/(60*60);
    if direction in ('S','W'):
        dd*= -1
    return dd

df = pd.DataFrame({'CPO': {0: 'Raya', 1: 'Raya'},
 'Latitude': {0: '0°51\'56.29"S', 1: '1°23\'39.29"S'},
 'Longitude': {0: '101°26\'46.29"E', 1: '101°35\'30.45"E'},
 'PKO': {0: 'X', 1: 'X'},
 'ParentCompany': {0: 'Incasi', 1: 'Incasi'}})

df['Latitude'] = df['Latitude'].apply(dms2dd)
df['Longitude'] = df['Longitude'].apply(dms2dd)

printing df returns:

    CPO   Latitude   Longitude PKO ParentCompany
0  Raya  -0.865636  101.446192   X        Incasi
1  Raya  -1.394247  101.591792   X        Incasi

Update: To correct your mistake you could do something in the lines of:

m = df['Latitude'].str[-2] != '"'
df.loc[m, 'Latitude'] = df.loc[m, 'Latitude'].str[:-1] + '"' + df.loc[m, 'Latitude'].str[-1]

Full example:

import re

s1 = """0°51'56.29"S"""
s2 = """0°51'56.29S"""

df = pd.Series((s1,s2)).to_frame(name='Latitude')

m = df['Latitude'].str[-2] != '"'
df.loc[m, 'Latitude'] = df.loc[m, 'Latitude'].str[:-1] + '"' + df.loc[m, 'Latitude'].str[-1]


You can use vectorized operations using pd.Series.str.extract. For the latitude, for example:

parts = df.Latitude.str.extract('(\d+)°(\d+)\'([^"]+)"([N|S|E|W])', expand=True)
>>> (parts[0].astype(int) + parts[1].astype(float) / 60 + parts[2].astype(float) / 3600) * parts[3].map({'N':1, 'S':-1, 'E': 1, 'W':-1})
0    101.446192
1    101.591792
2     99.382322
3     99.633244
4    102.235467
5    101.575106
6    100.992931
7    101.371094