Converting NetCDF to GRIB2

After some more research, I ended up using the British Met Office "Iris" package ( which can read NetCDF as well as OPeNDAP, GRIB and several other formats, and allows to save as NetCDF or GRIB.

Basically the code looks like:

import iris

cubes = iris.load('')       # each variable in the netcdf file is a cube[0],'output.grib2')  # save a specific variable to grib 

But if your netcdf file doesn't contain sufficient metadata, you may need to add it, which you can also do with Iris. Here's a full working example:

I know CDO is mentioned above, but I thought it would be useful to give the full command

cdo -f grb2 copy out.grb

One can also use climate data operators (cdo's) for the task -

but need to install the software with all additional libraries.