Converting a YAML file to Python JSON object

The PyYAML library is intended for this purpose

pip install pyyaml
import yaml
import json
with open("example.yaml", 'r') as yaml_in, open("example.json", "w") as json_out:
    yaml_object = yaml.safe_load(yaml_in) # yaml_object will be a list or a dict
    json.dump(yaml_object, json_out)

Notes: PyYAML only supports the pre-2009, YAML 1.1 specification.
ruamel.yaml is an option if YAML 1.2 is required.

pip install ruamel.yaml

you can use PyYAML

pip install PyYAML

And in the ipython console:

In [1]: import yaml

In [2]: document = """Section:
   ...:     heading: Heading 1
   ...:     font: 
   ...:         name: Times New Roman
   ...:         size: 22
   ...:         color_theme: ACCENT_2
   ...: SubSection:
   ...:     heading: Heading 3
   ...:     font:
   ...:         name: Times New Roman
   ...:         size: 15
   ...:         color_theme: ACCENT_2
   ...: Paragraph:
   ...:     font:
   ...:         name: Times New Roman
   ...:         size: 11
   ...:         color_theme: ACCENT_2
   ...: Table:
   ...:     style: MediumGrid3-Accent2"""

In [3]: yaml.load(document)
{'Paragraph': {'font': {'color_theme': 'ACCENT_2',
   'name': 'Times New Roman',
   'size': 11}},
 'Section': {'font': {'color_theme': 'ACCENT_2',
   'name': 'Times New Roman',
   'size': 22},
  'heading': 'Heading 1'},
 'SubSection': {'font': {'color_theme': 'ACCENT_2',
   'name': 'Times New Roman',
   'size': 15},
  'heading': 'Heading 3'},
 'Table': {'style': 'MediumGrid3-Accent2'}}