Converting a Python function with a callback to an asyncio awaitable

You may want to use a Future

class asyncio.Future(*, loop=None)¶

A Future represents an eventual result of an asynchronous operation. Not thread-safe.

Future is an awaitable object. Coroutines can await on Future objects until they either have a result or an exception set, or until they are cancelled.

Typically Futures are used to enable low-level callback-based code (e.g. in protocols implemented using asyncio transports) to interoperate with high-level async/await code.

The rule of thumb is to never expose Future objects in user-facing APIs, and the recommended way to create a Future object is to call loop.create_future(). This way alternative event loop implementations can inject their own optimized implementations of a Future object.

A silly example:

def my_func(loop):
    fut = loop.create_future()
        stream_callback=lambda *a, **kw: fut.set_result([a, kw])
    return fut

async def main(loop):
    result = await my_func(loop)  # returns a list with args and kwargs 

I assume that runs in a thread or a subprocess. If not, you may also need to wrap the call to open with asyncio.loop.run_in_executor

An equivalent of promisify wouldn't work for this use case for two reasons:

  • PyAudio's async API doesn't use the asyncio event loop - the documentation specifies that the callback is invoked from a background thread. This requires precautions to correctly communicate with asyncio.
  • The callback cannot be modeled by a single future because it is invoked multiple times, whereas a future can only have one result. Instead, it must be converted to an async iterator, just as shown in your sample code.

Here is one possible implementation:

def make_iter():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    queue = asyncio.Queue()
    def put(*args):
        loop.call_soon_threadsafe(queue.put_nowait, args)
    async def get():
        while True:
            yield await queue.get()
    return get(), put

make_iter returns a pair of <async iterator, put-callback>. The returned objects hold the property that invoking the callback causes the iterator to produce its next value (the arguments passed to the callback). The callback may be called to call from an arbitrary thread and is thus safe to pass to, while the async iterator should be given to async for in an asyncio coroutine, which will be suspended while waiting for the next value:

async def main():
    stream_get, stream_put = make_iter()
    stream =
    async for in_data, frame_count, time_info, status in stream_get:
        # ...


Note that, according to the documentation, the callback must also return a meaningful value, a tuple of frames and a Boolean flag. This can be incorporated in the design by changing the fill function to also receive the data from the asyncio side. The implementation is not included because it might not make much sense without an understanding of the domain.