Converting a CGPoint to NSValue

In Swift, you can change a value like this:

    var pointValueare = CGPointMake(30,30)
    NSValue(CGPoint: pointValueare)

There is a UIKit addition to NSValue that defines a function

+ (NSValue *)valueWithCGPoint:(CGPoint)point

See iPhone doc

@ashcatch 's answer is very helpful, but consider that those methods from addition copy values, when native NSValue methods store pointers! Here is my code checking it:

CGPoint point = CGPointMake(2, 4);
NSValue *val = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:point];
point.x = 10;
CGPoint newPoint = [val CGPointValue];

here newPoint.x = 2; point.x = 10

CGPoint point = CGPointMake(2, 4);
NSValue *val = [NSValue valueWithPointer:&point];
point.x = 10;
CGPoint *newPoint = [val pointerValue];

here newPoint.x = 10; point.x = 10

&(cgpoint) -> get a reference (address) to cgpoint (NSPoint *)&(cgpoint) -> casts that reference to an NSPoint pointer *(NSPoint )(cgpoint) -> dereferences that NSPoint pointer to return an NSPoint to make the return type happy