Converting a case class to CSV in Scala

How about implicits and productIterator?

implicit class CSVWrapper(val prod: Product) extends AnyVal {
    def toCSV() ={
                    case Some(value) => value
                    case None => ""
                    case rest => rest

Person("name", 30, "male", None).toCSV()

Yes, in Scala there is a way to convert a case class to CSV without adding boilerplate at all. For instance PureCSV, based on the amazing Shapeless library, can do it:

scala> import
scala> case class Interval(start: Long, end: Long)
scala> Interval(10,20).toCSV()
res1: String = 1,10
scala> Seq(Interval(1,10),Interval(11,20)).toCSV("|")
res2: String =

Note: I'm the author of PureCSV.