Convert Unix line endings to Windows

You can convert them with the unix2dos utility on your Linux platform. There are unix2dos versions available for Windows as well.

If you have Perl installed you can also use this one liner:

perl -p -e 's/\n/\r\n/' < UNIX_LF.txt > WINDOWS_CRLF.txt

Here is an easy and quick way.

Drag and drop the text file into Chrome (I don't know about other browsers) and then cut and paste back into the original file :)

The one I found best for recursively going through folders, allowing file filters and allowing a simple search for "\r\n" and replacing it with just "\n" was Notepad++.

Notepad++ is one of the best, free, open source notepad programs for Windows. It is very simple and powerful. It handled the line ending search/replace just fine. A contractor check a bunch of .c and .h files in to our repository with Linux \r\n line endings, but since most people have standardized on Windows/Eclipse build tools, the files won't build until the line endings are converted.