Convert Uint8Array into hex string equivalent in node.js

You can use Buffer.from() and subsequently use toString('hex'):

let hex = Buffer.from(uint8).toString('hex');

Another solution:

Base function to convert int8 to hex:

// padd with leading 0 if <16
function i2hex(i) {
  return ('0' + i.toString(16)).slice(-2);


uint8.reduce(function(memo, i) {return memo + i2hex(i)}, '');

Or map and join:


Buffer.from has multiple overrides.

If it is called with your uint8 directly, it unnecessarily copies its content because it selects Buffer.from( <Buffer|Uint8Array> ) version.

You should call Buffer.from( arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]] ) version which does not copy and just creates a view of the buffer.

let hex = Buffer.from(uint8.buffer,uint8.byteOffset,uint8.byteLength).toString('hex');