Convert String to another locale in java

I suggest you have a ten digit lookup String and replace all the digits one at a time.

public static void main(String... args) {
//used in Persian apps
private static final String extendedArabic = "\u06f0\u06f1\u06f2\u06f3\u06f4\u06f5\u06f6\u06f7\u06f8\u06f9";

//used in Arabic apps
private static final String arabic = "\u0660\u0661\u0662\u0663\u0664\u0665\u0666\u0667\u0668\u0669";

private static String arabicToDecimal(String number) {
    char[] chars = new char[number.length()];
    for(int i=0;i<number.length();i++) {
        char ch = number.charAt(i);
        if (ch >= 0x0660 && ch <= 0x0669)
           ch -= 0x0660 - '0';
        else if (ch >= 0x06f0 && ch <= 0x06F9)
           ch -= 0x06f0 - '0';
        chars[i] = ch;
    return new String(chars);



The reason for using the strings as a lookup is that other characters such as . - , would be left as is. In fact a decimal number would be unchanged.

I achived this by java.math.BigDecimal Class, Below is the code snippet

String arabicNumerals = "۴۲۴۲.۴۲";
String englishNumerals = new BigDecimal(arabic).toString();
System.out.println("Number In Arabic : "+arabicNumerals);
System.out.println("Number In English : "+englishNumerals);


Number In Arabic : ۴۲۴۲.۴۲
Number In English : 4242.42

NB : The Above code will not work if there is any charactors other than numeric digits in arabicNumerals, For Eg : ۴,۲۴۲.۴۲ will result in java.lang.NumberFormatException, so you may remove other charactors using Character.isDigit(char ch) in another logic and use the above code. All normal cases are working charmly !!

Good Day

I found a simpler and faster way which includes the two arabic code pages too.

public static String convertToEnglishDigits(String value)
     String newValue = value.replace("١", "1").replace("٢", "2").replace("٣", "3").replace("٤", "4").replace("٥", "5")
             .replace("٦", "6").replace("7", "٧").replace("٨", "8").replace("٩", "9").replace("٠", "0")
             .replace("۱", "1").replace("۲", "2").replace("۳", "3").replace("۴", "4").replace("۵", "5")
             .replace("۶", "6").replace("۷", "7").replace("۸", "8").replace("۹", "9").replace("۰", "0");

     return newValue;

It will return the numbers in English format or vise versa if you change the replace from.
("۰", "0") to ("0","۰")


