Convert, or unformat, a string to variables (like format(), but in reverse) in Python

Just to build on Uche's answer, I was looking for a way to reverse a string via a pattern with kwargs. So I put together the following function:

def string_to_dict(string, pattern):
    regex = re.sub(r'{(.+?)}', r'(?P<_\1>.+)', pattern)
    values = list(, string).groups())
    keys = re.findall(r'{(.+?)}', pattern)
    _dict = dict(zip(keys, values))
    return _dict

Which works as per:

>>> p = 'hello, my name is {name} and I am a {age} year old {what}'

>>> s = p.format(name='dan', age=33, what='developer')
>>> s
'hello, my name is dan and I am a 33 year old developer'
>>> string_to_dict(s, p)
{'age': '33', 'name': 'dan', 'what': 'developer'}

>>> s = p.format(name='cody', age=18, what='quarterback')
>>> s
'hello, my name is cody and I am a 18 year old quarterback'
>>> string_to_dict(s, p)
{'age': '18', 'name': 'cody', 'what': 'quarterback'}

>>> import re
>>> re.findall('(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)', 'Version 1.15.6\n')
[('1', '15', '6')]

EDIT: Also see this answer for a little bit more information about parse and parmatter.

The pypi package parse serves this purpose well:

pip install parse

Can be used like this:

>>> import parse
>>> result=parse.parse('Version {0}.{1}.{2}\n', 'Version 1.15.6\n')
<Result ('1', '15', '6') {}>
>>> values=list(result)
>>> print(values)
['1', '15', '6']

Note that the docs say the parse package does not EXACTLY emulate the format specification mini-language by default; it also uses some type-indicators specified by re. Of special note is that s means "whitespace" by default, rather than str. This can be easily modified to be consistent with the format specification by changing the default type for s to str (using extra_types):

result = parse.parse(format_str, string, extra_types=dict(s=str))

Here is a conceptual idea for a modification of the string.Formatter built-in class using the parse package to add unformat capability that I have used myself:

import parse
from string import Formatter
class Unformatter(Formatter):
    '''A parsable formatter.'''
    def unformat(self, format, string, extra_types=dict(s=str), evaluate_result=True):
        return parse.parse(format, string, extra_types, evaluate_result)
    unformat.__doc__ = parse.Parser.parse.__doc__

IMPORTANT: the method name parse is already in use by the Formatter class, so I have chosen unformat instead to avoid conflicts.

UPDATE: You might use it like this- very similar to the string.Formatter class.

Formatting (identical to '{:d} {:d}'.format(1, 2)):

>>> formatter = Unformatter() 
>>> s = formatter.format('{:d} {:d}', 1, 2)
>>> s
'1 2' 


>>> result = formatter.unformat('{:d} {:d}', s)
>>> result
<Result (1, 2) {}>
>>> tuple(result)
(1, 2)

This is of course of very limited use as shown above. However, I've put up a pypi package (parmatter - a project originally for my own use but maybe others will find it useful) that explores some ideas of how to put this idea to more useful work. The package relies heavily on the aforementioned parse package. EDIT: a few years of experience under my belt later, I realized parmatter (my first package!) was a terrible, embarrassing idea and have since deleted it.