Convert Named Character Vector to data.frame

The answers from @MatthewPlourde and @JackRyan work, but if you have a long named vector it is annoying to have a data frame with one row and many columns. If you'd rather have a "key" column and a "value" column with many rows, any of the following should work:

data.frame(keyName=names(testVect), value=testVect, row.names=NULL)

##        keyName      value
## 1   db_version
## 2 elapsed_time      12.89
## 3     cpu_time      12.71

## Suggested by @JWilliman

## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   name         value
##   <chr>        <chr>
## 1 db_version
## 2 elapsed_time 12.89
## 3 cpu_time     12.71

## Suggested by @Joe
##       values          ind
## 1   db_version
## 2      12.89 elapsed_time
## 3      12.71     cpu_time

It's as simple as data.frame(as.list(testVect)). Or if you want sensible data types for your columns, data.frame(lapply(testVect, type.convert), stringsAsFactors=FALSE).